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Oracle 11g 64 Bit Odbc Drivers For Mac: Supported Platforms and Compatibility Matrix


Instant Client ODBC requires the Oracle Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package (depending on your locale requirements) also be installed. Download the desired package from OTN for your operating system and follow the installation instructions on the download page. For example, unzip the package to C:\instantclient_19_3 on Windows, unzip to /opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3 on Linux or other platforms, or use yum to install the RPM packages on Linux.

Amazon Redshift provides 64-bit ODBC drivers for Linux, Windows, and macOS X operating systems. The 32-bit ODBC drivers are discontinued. Further updates will not be released, except for urgent security patches.

Oracle 11g 64 Bit Odbc Drivers For Mac

Use the following procedure to download the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers for Windows operating systems. Only use a driver other than these if you're running a third-party application that is certified for use with Amazon Redshift and that requires a specific driver.

Use the steps in this section to download and install the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers on a supported Linux distribution. The installation process installs the driver files in the following directories:

When you have finished installing the drivers, configure them for use on your system. For more information on driver configuration, see Use an ODBC driver manager to configure the driver on Linux and macOS X operating systems.

On Linux and macOS X operating systems, you use an ODBC driver manager to configure the ODBC connection settings. ODBC driver managers use configuration files to define and configure ODBC data sources and drivers. The ODBC driver manager that you use depends on the operating system that you use:

For more information about the supported ODBC driver managers to configure the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers, see System requirements for Linux operating systems and System requirements for macOS X operating systems. Also, see "Specifying ODBC Driver Managers on Non- Windows Machines" in the Amazon Redshift ODBC connector installation and configuration guide.

Additionally, under /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/Setup on Linux or /opt/amazon/redshift/Setup on macOS X, there are sample odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files. You can use these files as examples for configuring the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver and the data source name (DSN).

To avoid this, copy the amazon.redshiftodbc.ini file to a directory other than the installation directory. If you copy this file to the user's home directory, add a period (.) to the beginning of the file name to make it a hidden file.

For the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, either use the configuration files in the user's home directory or create new versions in another directory. By default, your Linux or macOS X operating system should have an odbc.ini file and an odbcinst.ini file in the user's home directory (/home/$USER or /.). These default files are hidden files, which is indicated by the dot (.) in front of each file name. These files display only when you use the -a flag to list the directory contents.

Whichever option you choose for the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, modify the files to add driver and DSN configuration information. If you create new files, you also need to set environment variables to specify where these configuration files are located.

By default, ODBC driver managers are configured to use hidden versions of the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini configuration files (named .odbc.ini and .odbcinst.ini) located in the home directory. They also are configured to use the amazon.redshiftodbc.ini file in the /lib subfolder of the driver installation directory. If you store these configuration files elsewhere, set the environment variables described following so that the driver manager can locate the files. For more information, see "Specifying the Locations of the Driver Configuration Files" in the Amazon Redshift ODBC connector installation and configuration guide.

When connecting to your data store using a data source name (DSN), configure the odbc.ini file to define DSNs. Set the properties in the odbc.ini file to create a DSN that specifies the connection information for your data store.

For information about how to configure the odbcinst.ini file in this case, see "Configuring a DSN-less Connection on a Non-Windows Machine" in the Amazon Redshift ODBC connector installation and configuration guide.

By default, ODBC driver managers are configured to use hidden versions of the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini configuration files (named .odbc.ini and .odbcinst.ini) located in the home directory. They also are configured to use the amazon.redshiftodbc.ini file in the /lib subfolder of the driver installation directory. If you store these configuration files elsewhere, the environment variables so that the driver manager can locate the files. For more information, see "Specifying the Locations of the Driver Configuration Files" in Amazon Redshift ODBC Connector Installation and Configuration Guide.

In Linux and macOS X, you set driver configuration options in your odbc.ini and amazon.redshiftodbc.ini files, as described in Use an ODBC driver manager to configure the driver on Linux and macOS X operating systems. Configuration options set in an amazon.redshiftodbc.ini file apply to all connections. In contrast, configuration options set in an odbc.ini file are specific to a connection. Configuration options set in odbc.ini take precedence over configuration options set in amazon.redshiftodbc.ini.

Alibaba AnalyticDB for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the MySQL driver on your Mac computer. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Alibaba AnalyticDB for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Alibaba Data Lake Analytics uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the MySQL driver on your Mac computer. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Alibaba Data Lake Analytics uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Alibaba Data Lake Analytics for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have the MySQL driver installed, you can get it from the MySQL website. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Amazon Aurora for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Amazon Aurora for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Mac driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Amazon Aurora for MySQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the 64-bit Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Google Cloud SQL uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the 64-bit Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

After you install the driver, append the following section to the /etc/odbcinst.ini file (if it's not already there), using the correct information for your environment. For example, make sure the driver is located in the path specified.

Tableau uses the drivers installed by Microsoft Office if the bit version of Tableau and Microsoft Office match (that is, installed versions of Tableau and Office are both 32-bit or both 64-bit). If the bit versions match, you don't have to install any additional drivers.

MongoDB BI Connector uses MySQL drivers. If you don't have MySQL drivers installed, you need to install them using the following instructions. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Note: Tableau connectors using JDBC drivers require Java to run. If Java is not already installed on your computer, download and install the latest Java 8 version. There are many options available. We recommend downloading from 2ff7e9595c


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